News Item

Noem Hosts Health Care Round Table

SIOUX FALLS, SD – The Affordable Care Act, health insurance tax and business concerns. Those issues were on the table during a roundtable with Representative Kristi Noem and business owners.

“You can talk a lot about policy but until people recognize the impact on businesses and what it does to families, especially in small and medium sized businesses, they don’t really understand what the ripple effects are into the economy,” Representative Kristi Noem said.

Since the affordable care act rolled out Representative Kristi Noem says she’s been part of nearly a dozen bills to repeal it.

Now, Noem and other members of Congress want to repeal the Health Insurance Tax.

“I think the fallacy of the policy was that it wouldn’t impact individuals. When obviously the insurance companies are going to pass it on to the individuals and it does impact the dollars that come out of their pockets,” Noem said.

It’s also hurting local business owners who have to decide whether or not to offer coverage.

“We can’t afford the insurance. We can’t afford the fine. And so if we have to cut them to 30 hours, for them that means what? A third job,” Randy Stewart, Apple Tree Children’s Centers, said.

“As a business we look at it, we’re waiting for the time where we just say we’re going to be done being the people who figure out healthcare. Send everybody to the government and buy it. And let the people worry about it themselves,” Jim Norberg with Norberg Paints said.

In June, the Supreme Court will weigh-in on a case that could invalidate some state exchange sites, meaning more than 16,000 South Dakotans would have to pay a fine and lose their coverage.

Noem is working on an alternative health care reform bill if this happens.

“In the meantime, if we can’t get comprehensive policies passed, we can at least get rid of these more detrimental impacts,” Noem said.

Many of the local business leaders today say if the cost of health insurance keeps going up, they will have to cut back on benefits or employees, or raise prices for customers.

Supporters argue, the Affordable Care Act provides tax cuts to small businesses to help offset the costs of employee coverage, and tax credits to help families pay for insurance.

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